A better way to use AI contract templates
A better way to use AI contract templates
Open is not free, and software is not data.
Manifest your destiny
“Preparation meant the leg work had been done – the message was in fact so powerful, the hard part was delivering it delicately. “
A better way to use AI contract templates
Open is not free, and software is not data.
A filthy analogy
The history of computing is a story of time and space.
Books are great (shoulders of giants, etc.), but where the aim is to do a thing, there’s no substitute for actually doing it.
Manifest your destiny
One of my favourite interview questions is to ask people how they stay up to date. I have never heard what I consider a good answer.
A better way to use AI contract templates
Open is not free, and software is not data.
A filthy analogy
Books are great (shoulders of giants, etc.), but where the aim is to do a thing, there’s no substitute for actually doing it.
Manifest your destiny
Hello world. Lots to come.
Manifest your destiny